Death Certificate Apostille UK


In the UK, a death certificate is a legal document that confirms a person’s death and includes important information about the deceased. If you need to use a death certificate in a foreign country, you may need to get it apostilled. An apostille is a certificate that verifies the authenticity of the document and makes it valid in other countries. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about getting a death certificate apostille in the UK. PT. Jangkar Global Groups

What is an Apostille?

An apostille is a certificate that verifies the authenticity of a document so that it can be used in another country. The Hague Convention of 1961 established the system of apostilles, which is recognized by over 100 countries worldwide.

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In the UK, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is responsible for issuing apostilles. An apostille confirms that a document is genuine and that the signature, seal or stamp on the document is authentic.

Why Do You Need a Death Certificate Apostille?

If you need to use a death certificate in a foreign country, you may need to get it apostilled. This is because the foreign government may require an apostille to verify the authenticity of the document. Without an apostille, the death certificate may not be recognized as valid.

Additionally, if the death certificate is in a language other than English, you may need to get it translated and then apostilled.

How to Get a Death Certificate Apostille

To get a death certificate apostille, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a copy of the death certificate
  2. Get the death certificate translated (if necessary)
  3. Have the death certificate certified by a solicitor or notary public
  4. Send the death certificate to the FCO for apostille

It is important to note that the FCO will only apostille a document that has been certified by a solicitor or notary public.

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Step 1: Obtain a Copy of the Death Certificate

The first step in getting a death certificate apostille is to obtain a copy of the death certificate. You can do this by contacting the General Register Office (GRO).

The GRO is the government agency responsible for keeping records of births, marriages, and deaths in England and Wales. You can order a copy of a death certificate online, by phone, or by post.

Step 2: Get the Death Certificate Translated (If Necessary)

If the death certificate is in a language other than English, you will need to get it translated before you can get it apostilled.

You can hire a professional translation service to translate the death certificate for you. Make sure that the translation is certified and includes the translator’s signature and contact details.

Step 3: Have the Death Certificate Certified by a Solicitor or Notary Public

Before you can get the death certificate apostilled, you will need to have it certified by a solicitor or notary public. This means that the solicitor or notary public will confirm that the death certificate is genuine and that the signature, seal or stamp on the document is authentic.

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You can find a solicitor or notary public by searching online or in a local directory. Make sure that they are qualified and experienced in certifying documents for apostille.

Step 4: Send the Death Certificate to the FCO for Apostille

Once the death certificate has been certified by a solicitor or notary public, you can send it to the FCO for apostille. You can do this by post or in person at the FCO’s office in Milton Keynes.

The FCO will charge a fee for the apostille service, which will depend on how quickly you need the document and how you want it delivered. You can pay the fee online or by phone.


In conclusion, if you need to use a death certificate in a foreign country, you may need to get it apostilled. This is a simple process that involves obtaining a copy of the death certificate, getting it translated (if necessary), having it certified by a solicitor or notary public, and sending it to the FCO for apostille. With the apostille, your death certificate will be recognized as valid in over 100 countries worldwide.

Remember, always use a qualified and experienced solicitor or notary public when certifying your death certificate for apostille.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with getting a death certificate apostille in the UK.
