Data Impor Indonesia 2017

Indonesia, as one of the largest countries in Southeast Asia, has a significant role in international trade. As a result, the data on import and export is crucial for understanding the country’s economy. In this article, we will discuss the Data Impor Indonesia 2017 – the latest data on imports in Indonesia.


Data Impor Indonesia 2017 is a comprehensive report on Indonesia’s imports for the year 2017. The report includes information on the total value of imports, the countries of origin, and the types of goods imported. By analyzing this data, we can gain insights into Indonesia’s economy, trade relations, and potential growth opportunities.

Total Value of Imports

The total value of imports in Indonesia for 2017 was USD 156.9 billion. This represents a significant increase from the previous year when the total value of imports was USD 135.5 billion. The increase in imports was primarily due to the growing demand for consumer goods and raw materials.

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Types of Goods Imported

Indonesia imported a wide range of goods in 2017, including raw materials, consumer goods, capital goods, and others. The top imports were mineral fuels, machinery, electrical equipment, and vehicles. These goods accounted for more than half of the total import value in 2017.

Countries of Origin

The majority of Indonesia’s imports in 2017 came from Asian countries. China was the largest supplier of goods, accounting for 28% of the total import value. Other major suppliers included Japan, Singapore, and Thailand. Imports from European countries such as Germany and the Netherlands also increased significantly in 2017.

Impact on the Indonesian Economy

The increase in imports in 2017 had both positive and negative effects on the Indonesian economy. On one hand, the import of raw materials and capital goods contributed to the growth of domestic industries. On the other hand, the import of consumer goods had a negative impact on the country’s trade balance.

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Data Impor Indonesia 2017 is an important source of information for understanding Indonesia’s economy and trade relations. The report highlights the significant increase in imports in 2017, the types of goods imported, and the countries of origin. By analyzing this data, we can gain a better understanding of Indonesia’s potential trade opportunities and challenges.
