Data Impor Gandum Indonesia BPS

Indonesia is a country that has a diverse agriculture industry, including the production of wheat, which is not native to the country. As a result, Indonesia has to import wheat to meet its domestic demand. The Central Bureau of Statistics or BPS is responsible for monitoring and collecting data on the import of wheat in Indonesia. This article will discuss the data impor gandum Indonesia BPS and its significance to the country’s economy.

What is Data Impor Gandum Indonesia BPS?

Data Impor Gandum Indonesia BPS refers to the data collected by the Central Bureau of Statistics on the import of wheat in Indonesia. The data includes information on the quantity, value, origin, and destination of the imported wheat. The BPS collects this data from various sources, including customs authorities and wheat importers, and compiles it into a report that is published regularly.

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Why is Data Impor Gandum Indonesia BPS Important?

The data impor gandum Indonesia BPS is significant because it provides insights into the country’s domestic demand for wheat. Indonesia’s consumption of wheat has been increasing over the years, and the country has become one of the largest importers of wheat in the world. The data helps policymakers and stakeholders in the agriculture industry to understand the market trends, make informed decisions, and plan for the future.

What Does Data Impor Gandum Indonesia BPS Show?

The data impor gandum Indonesia BPS shows that the country’s import of wheat has been increasing steadily over the years. In 2020, Indonesia imported 12.3 million tons of wheat, an increase of 7 percent from the previous year. The data also shows that a significant portion of the imported wheat comes from Australia, Canada, and the United States, with smaller amounts from other countries such as Russia and Ukraine.

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Who Uses Data Impor Gandum Indonesia BPS?

The data impor gandum Indonesia BPS is used by various stakeholders in the agriculture industry, including policymakers, wheat importers, and exporters. The data helps them to understand the market trends, make informed decisions, and plan for the future. It is also used by researchers and academics to study the wheat market in Indonesia and its impact on the country’s economy.

What are the Challenges of Importing Wheat in Indonesia?

Importing wheat in Indonesia is not without its challenges. One of the major challenges is the high cost of importing the commodity. The cost of importing wheat includes transportation, storage, and handling fees, which add to the overall cost of the commodity. Another challenge is the fluctuation in the global wheat market, which affects the price of wheat in Indonesia. The country also faces competition from other wheat-importing countries, which affects the supply and demand of the commodity.

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What is the Future of Wheat Import in Indonesia?

The future of wheat import in Indonesia looks positive. The country’s population is growing, and the demand for wheat-based products such as bread, pasta, and noodles is increasing. The government is also investing in the agriculture industry, including wheat farming, to reduce the country’s dependence on imported wheat. However, challenges such as high import costs and market fluctuations remain, and stakeholders in the agriculture industry need to plan accordingly.


In conclusion, data impor gandum Indonesia BPS is an essential tool for understanding the market trends of imported wheat in Indonesia. The data shows that the country’s import of wheat is increasing, and stakeholders in the agriculture industry need to plan accordingly. Despite the challenges of importing wheat, the future of wheat import in Indonesia looks promising, and the government is investing in the agriculture industry to reduce the country’s dependence on imported wheat.
