Call Gap Visa: Everything You Need to Know

Are you planning to travel abroad? Have you heard of the term ‘Call Gap Visa’? If not, you are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss everything about the Call Gap Visa, including its meaning, requirements, and how to apply for it.

What is Call Gap Visa?

Call Gap Visa is a type of visa that allows its holders to stay in a foreign country for a specific period. It is usually issued when there is a gap between the end of one visa and the beginning of another. The visa is issued for a short period, usually for a maximum duration of 90 days.

Why Do You Need Call Gap Visa?

If you are planning to travel to a foreign country and there is a gap between the end of one visa and the beginning of another, you will need a Call Gap Visa. This visa will allow you to stay in the country legally and avoid any legal issues.

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Call Gap Visa Requirements

Before applying for a Call Gap Visa, you need to meet specific requirements. These requirements may vary from country to country, but here are some of the general requirements:

  • You must have a valid passport.
  • You must have a valid visa for the country you are traveling to.
  • You must have a confirmed flight ticket to the country you are traveling to.
  • You must have a valid reason for the gap between visas, such as waiting for a work visa or attending a conference.
  • You must provide proof of your financial stability during your stay in the country.

How to Apply for Call Gap Visa?

The process of applying for a Call Gap Visa varies from country to country. However, here are the general steps you need to follow:

  1. Visit the embassy or consulate of the country you are traveling to.
  2. Fill out the application form for the Call Gap Visa.
  3. Submit the required documents, including a valid passport, visa, flight ticket, and financial proof.
  4. Pay the visa fee.
  5. Wait for the processing of your application. This usually takes five to ten working days.
  6. Collect your Call Gap Visa from the embassy or consulate.
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Call Gap Visa vs. Transit Visa

Many people confuse Call Gap Visa with Transit Visa. However, these two are different types of visas. Transit Visa allows you to stay in a country for a short time, usually less than 48 hours, while you are on your way to another destination. On the other hand, Call Gap Visa allows you to stay in a country for a more extended period, usually up to 90 days.


If you are planning to travel abroad and there is a gap between the end of one visa and the beginning of another, Call Gap Visa is the right option for you. Make sure to meet all the requirements and follow the application process to avoid any legal issues. We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about Call Gap Visa.
