Biaya Apostille

Biaya apostille is a legal process that involves the certification of documents by the government in order to make them valid for use in foreign countries. The process was established to simplify the verification of documents in international transactions and it is used in over 100 countries around the world. In this article, we will explore the biaya apostille process, its benefits, and the costs involved. PT. Jangkar Global Groups 

What is Biaya Apostille?

Biaya apostille is a certification that validates the authenticity of a document for use in another country. It is recognized globally as a means of certifying the legality of a document and it is used to verify documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, academic certificates, and business documents.

  How to Get an Apostille

The process of biaya apostille involves the government verifying the document by placing a stamp or seal on it. This stamp or seal confirms that the document is genuine and has been issued by a recognized authority.

Biaya Apostille

Benefits of Apostille

The apostille process provides a number of benefits for individuals and businesses that need to use documents in foreign countries.

Secondly, it provides an added layer of security and protection against fraud. With the apostille certification, it is much more difficult for individuals to create fake documents or to alter genuine ones.

The Cost of Apostille

The cost of apostille varies depending on the country in which the document is being issued and the type of document that needs to be certified. In some countries, the cost of apostille is relatively low, while in others it can be quite expensive.

Typically, the cost of apostille ranges from $50 to $75 per document. The fees involved usually cover the cost of the government processing the document, issuing the certification, and providing the necessary stamps and seals.

  Cepat dengan Layanan Cetak Sertifikat Apostille

How to Obtain Apostille

The process of obtaining apostille varies depending on the country in which the document is being issued.

The document can then be used in any country that recognizes the apostille process.


The biaya apostille process is an important part of international transactions, providing an efficient and secure means of verifying documents for use in foreign countries. While the cost of biaya apostille varies, it is generally a small price to pay for the added security and peace of mind that it provides.



Apostille Convenzione

Perusahaan di dirikan pada tanggal 22 mei 2008 dengan komitmen yang kuat dari karyawan dan kreativitas untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik, tercepat dan terpercaya kepada pelanggan.


Apostille Convenzione

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