Ayam Pakhoy Impor: The Ultimate Guide

Ayam Pakhoy Impor, also known as imported Pakhoy chicken, is a popular choice of poultry among Indonesian consumers. Pakhoy chicken is known for its succulent meat, distinctive taste and texture, and is often used in traditional Indonesian dishes. But what exactly is Ayam Pakhoy Impor, and what makes it stand out from other types of chicken? In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Ayam Pakhoy Impor, from its origin to its nutritional value and culinary applications.

What is Ayam Pakhoy Impor?

Ayam Pakhoy Impor is a type of chicken that is imported from Thailand. The breed of chicken used for Ayam Pakhoy Impor is called Pakhoy, which is a cross between the Thai native chicken and the Chinese Silkie chicken. This hybrid breed results in a unique combination of flavors, textures, and nutritional content that sets it apart from other types of chicken.

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Origins of Ayam Pakhoy Impor

The Pakhoy chicken breed originated in Thailand, where it was developed by crossing the Thai native chicken with the Chinese Silkie chicken. The aim of the crossbreeding was to produce a chicken breed that would be hardy, disease-resistant, and able to thrive in the hot and humid climate of Thailand. The Pakhoy chicken was first introduced to Indonesia in the early 2000s, and has since become a popular choice among Indonesian consumers due to its unique taste and texture.

Nutritional Value of Ayam Pakhoy Impor

Ayam Pakhoy Impor is not only delicious, but it is also packed with nutrients that are essential for a healthy and balanced diet. Here are some of the nutritional values of Ayam Pakhoy Impor:

  • Protein – Ayam Pakhoy Impor is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles, organs, and tissues in the body.
  • Vitamins – Ayam Pakhoy Impor contains a range of vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin D, which are important for maintaining a healthy immune system, nervous system, and bone health.
  • Minerals – Ayam Pakhoy Impor is also rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, and phosphorus, which are important for maintaining healthy blood, skin, and bones.
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Culinary Applications of Ayam Pakhoy Impor

Ayam Pakhoy Impor is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from soups and stews to curries, stir-fries, and grilled dishes. The unique taste and texture of Ayam Pakhoy Impor make it a popular choice among Indonesian chefs and home cooks. Here are some of the popular dishes that use Ayam Pakhoy Impor:

  • Soto Ayam – a traditional Indonesian chicken soup that is made with Ayam Pakhoy Impor, vermicelli noodles, and a range of herbs and spices.
  • Ayam Goreng – a popular Indonesian fried chicken dish that is made with Ayam Pakhoy Impor, seasoned with a blend of herbs and spices, and deep-fried until crispy.
  • Gulai Ayam – a spicy Indonesian curry dish that is made with Ayam Pakhoy Impor, coconut milk, and a range of herbs and spices.
  • Ayam Panggang – a grilled Indonesian chicken dish that is marinated in a blend of spices and grilled until tender and juicy.
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Where to Buy Ayam Pakhoy Impor

Ayam Pakhoy Impor can be found in most supermarkets and specialty poultry stores throughout Indonesia. It is also available for purchase online through various e-commerce platforms. When buying Ayam Pakhoy Impor, it is important to look for reputable suppliers who source their chicken from certified sources and ensure that it is of high quality and free from any harmful additives or preservatives.


Ayam Pakhoy Impor is a unique and flavorful type of chicken that is popular among Indonesian consumers and used in a variety of traditional Indonesian dishes. Its nutritional value and versatility make it a popular choice among home cooks and professional chefs alike. Whether you’re looking to try new flavors in your cooking or simply enjoy a delicious meal, Ayam Pakhoy Impor is definitely worth a try.
