Apostille Turki Istanbul

Apostille Turki Istanbul. Are you planning to work, study, or get married overseas? If so, you need to legalize your documents through apostille. In Turkey, one of the most popular places to get an apostille is in Istanbul. In this article, we will di scuss everything you need to know about apostille Turki Istanbul. PT. Jangkar Global Groups 

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What is Apostille?

Apostille is a certificate that verifies the authenticity of a document. It is issued by a designated authority in the country where the document was issued. Apostille is required for international use of documents, such as for work, study, or marriage purposes. Apostille is necessary to avoid the need for further authentication of the document in the destination country.

What Documents Can be Apostilled?

Documents that can be apostilled include birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, diplomas, transcripts, and other educational documents. Also, corporate documents such as articles of organization or incorporation, bylaws, powers of attorney, and other legal documents.

Apostille Istanbul

How to Get an Apostille in Istanbul?

To get an apostille in Istanbul, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that the document you want to apostille is valid and issued by a recognized authority.
  2. Translate the document into Turkish if necessary.
  3. Visit the designated authority in Istanbul, which is the Istanbul Governor’s Office, Di rectorate of Ceremonies and Protocol.
  4. Submit the document and pay the fee.
  5. Wait for the apostille to be issued.
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How Long Does it Take to Get an Apostille in Istanbul?

The processing time for apostille in Istanbul is usually around three to five business days. However, it may take longer for some documents or during peak periods.

How Much Does it Cost to Get an Apostille in Istanbul?

The fee for apostille in Istanbul varies depending on the type of document and the number of copies. The fee can be paid in cash or with a credit card.

What is the Difference Between Apostille and Legalization?

Apostille and legalization serve the same purpose, which is to verify the authenticity of a document for international use. However, legalization is a more complex process that involves several steps and authorities. Legalization may be required for countries that are not members of the Hague Convention.


Getting an apostille in Istanbul is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few days. Just make sure that you have all the required documents and follow the steps carefully. Apostille is an essential requirement for international use of documents, so be sure to obtain one if you need to work, study, or get married overseas.

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Apostille Turki Istanbul

Perusahaan di dirikan pada tanggal 22 mei 2008 dengan komitmen yang kuat dari karyawan dan kreativitas untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik, tercepat dan terpercaya kepada pelanggan.


Apostille Turki Istanbul

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