Legalizing French Language Diploma in Diknas


In today’s globalized world, knowing a foreign language is becoming increasingly important. In Indonesia, French is one such language that is gaining popularity among students. However, obtaining a diploma in French does not necessarily mean that it is recognized by the government. This is where legalizing the French language diploma in Diknas comes into play.

What is Diknas?

Diknas stands for Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture. It is responsible for developing and implementing national educational policies, including language education. Diknas is crucial in legalizing foreign diplomas, including the French language diploma.

Why Legalize French Language Diploma in Diknas?

Legalizing the French language diploma in Diknas has several benefits. Firstly, it recognizes the skills and knowledge of the student who has obtained the diploma. This opens up opportunities for them to pursue further education or career prospects. Secondly, it standardizes the evaluation process of foreign diplomas. Finally, it helps in strengthening the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and France.

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How to Legalize French Language Diploma in Diknas?

The process of legalizing a French language diploma in Diknas is straightforward. The student needs to submit the original diploma along with a translated copy to the Diknas office. The translated copy must be done by a certified translator. The diploma will then be evaluated by the Evaluation and Standardization Department in Diknas.

Requirements for Legalizing French Language Diploma in Diknas

To legalize a French language diploma in Diknas, the student needs to fulfill certain requirements. Firstly, the diploma must be issued by a recognized institution in France. Secondly, the student must have completed a minimum of 120 hours of study in French. Finally, the student must have passed the diploma exam with a minimum score of B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Legalizing a French language diploma in Diknas is crucial for students who wish to pursue further education or career opportunities. It is a straightforward process that requires the student to fulfill certain requirements. By legalizing foreign diplomas, including the French language diploma, Diknas helps in standardizing the evaluation process and strengthening diplomatic relations between countries.

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