Legalizing Nursing Degree in the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendiknas)

What is Legalization of Nursing Degree in Kemendiknas?

Legalization of nursing degree in Kemendiknas is a process of verifying and authenticating the nursing degree of a nurse by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Legalizing your nursing degree is a crucial step to ensure that your degree is recognized by the government and other institutions.

Why do Nurses Need to Legalize their Degrees in Kemendiknas?

Legalizing your nursing degree in Kemendiknas is necessary if you want your degree to be recognized by the government and other institutions. It is also a requirement for nurses who want to continue their studies or work abroad. Legalizing your degree can also help you increase your chances of getting a better job and higher salary.

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What are the Requirements to Legalize Nursing Degree in Kemendiknas?

The requirements to legalize your nursing degree in Kemendiknas are:

  • Original copy of your diploma or degree certificate
  • Original copy of your transcript of records
  • Copy of your national identity card (KTP) or passport
  • Copy of your Tax ID Number (NPWP)
  • Completed application form for legalization of nursing degree

How to Legalize Nursing Degree in Kemendiknas?

Here are the steps to legalize your nursing degree in Kemendiknas:

  1. Prepare all the required documents
  2. Fill out the application form for legalization of nursing degree
  3. Pay the legalization fee
  4. Submit your application and documents to the Ministry of Education and Culture
  5. Wait for the verification process to be completed
  6. Collect your legalized nursing degree

How Long Does it Take to Legalize Nursing Degree in Kemendiknas?

The process of legalizing your nursing degree in Kemendiknas usually takes around 2-3 weeks. However, the processing time may vary depending on the volume of applications received by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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What are the Benefits of Legalizing Nursing Degree in Kemendiknas?

Here are the benefits of legalizing your nursing degree in Kemendiknas:

  • Your nursing degree will be recognized by the government and other institutions
  • You can continue your studies or work abroad
  • You can increase your chances of getting a better job and higher salary


Legalizing your nursing degree in Kemendiknas is a necessary step to ensure that your degree is recognized by the government and other institutions. It is also a requirement for nurses who want to continue their studies or work abroad. By legalizing your degree, you can increase your chances of getting a better job and higher salary. Follow the steps outlined above to legalize your nursing degree in Kemendiknas.
