Legalizing SD Diploma at Kemendiknas

What is Kemendiknas?

Kemendiknas is the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture which is responsible for formulating and implementing education policies in Indonesia. One of the responsibilities of Kemendiknas is to legalize educational certificates for students who have completed their studies at the elementary level (SD).

What is Legalization of Diploma?

Legalization of diploma is the process of certifying the authenticity of educational certificates. It is an important process that ensures that diplomas are recognized and accepted by universities, employers, and other institutions. Legalizing diplomas also prevents fraud and ensures that the educational system is fair and transparent.

Why is Legalization of Diploma Important?

Legalization of diploma is important because it confirms that the diploma is authentic and valid. It is also important for students who wish to continue their education at a higher level, as universities and other institutions require valid diplomas as a prerequisite for admission. Additionally, employers often require proof of education when hiring new employees, and a legalized diploma can provide this proof.

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How to Legalize SD Diploma at Kemendiknas?

To legalize an SD diploma at Kemendiknas, there are several steps that need to be taken:

  1. Obtain a copy of the diploma from the school where it was obtained.
  2. Have the diploma translated into Indonesian by a certified translator if the original is not in Indonesian.
  3. Have the diploma notarized by a notary public.
  4. Have the notarized diploma legalized by the local government where the school is located.
  5. Submit the legalized diploma to Kemendiknas for final legalization.

What Documents are Required for Legalization of Diploma?

To legalize an SD diploma at Kemendiknas, the following documents are required:

  • The original diploma
  • A copy of the diploma
  • The translated diploma (if applicable)
  • The notarized diploma
  • The legalized diploma from the local government

How Long Does the Legalization Process Take?

The legalization process at Kemendiknas can take up to 2 weeks to complete. However, if there are any issues with the documents, the process may take longer.

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Legalizing an SD diploma at Kemendiknas is an important process that ensures the authenticity of educational certificates. It is important for students who wish to continue their education at a higher level, as well as for employers who require proof of education when hiring new employees. By following the steps outlined above, students can ensure that their diplomas are recognized and accepted by universities, employers, and other institutions.
