How to Legalize Documents through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Financial Purposes

If you are planning to use your documents for financial purposes overseas, it is important to have them legalized. Legalization is the process of certifying that a document is genuine and the signature and seal on it are authentic. There are various ways to legalize documents, including through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) in Indonesia. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to legalize documents through Kemenlu for financial purposes.

Step 1: Determine the Type of Document You Need to Legalize

The first step is to determine the type of document that you need to legalize. This can include documents such as bank statements, business licenses, contracts, and other financial records. Make sure that the document is complete and in good condition before submitting it for legalization.

  Legalisir untuk Transkrip Nilai

Step 2: Get Your Document Notarized by a Public Notary

Before your document can be legalized by Kemenlu, it needs to be notarized by a public notary. This is to certify that the document is genuine and the content is accurate. Make sure to bring the original document and a copy when visiting the notary.

Step 3: Get Your Document Legalized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

After your document has been notarized, the next step is to get it legalized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). This is to certify that the notary’s signature and seal on the document are authentic. Make sure to bring the original document, notary certificate, and a copy when visiting Kemenkumham.

Step 4: Submit Your Document to Kemenlu for Legalization

The final step is to submit your document to Kemenlu for legalization. Make sure to bring the original document, notary certificate, Kemenkumham certificate, and a copy when visiting Kemenlu. You will also need to fill out an application form and pay the legalization fee.

  Persyaratan Legalisasi Untuk Pasport


Legalizing your documents through Kemenlu can be a lengthy process, but it is necessary if you want to use them for financial purposes overseas. Make sure to follow the steps outlined in this article and bring all necessary documents and copies when visiting each institution. With the right preparation and patience, you can successfully legalize your documents and use them for your intended purposes.
