Data Impor Gandum 2017: A Comprehensive Overview

Gandum is one of the staple food items in Indonesia. It is a type of wheat that is used to make several food items like bread, noodles, and biscuits. As Indonesia is not self-sufficient in producing gandum, the country has to rely on imports. In this article, we will discuss the data impor gandum 2017 and its impact on Indonesia’s economy and food industry.

Overview of Data Impor Gandum 2017

According to the data released by Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Indonesia imported around 11.5 million tonnes of gandum in 2017. The import of gandum has increased by 11.6% compared to the previous year. The value of gandum imports in 2017 was around US$2.7 billion, which is about 7.8% higher than the previous year.

The largest exporters of gandum to Indonesia in 2017 were Australia, Canada, and the United States. These three countries accounted for around 85% of Indonesia’s total gandum imports in 2017. The remaining 15% was imported from other countries like France, Germany, and Russia.

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Reasons for Importing Gandum

There are several reasons why Indonesia has to import gandum to meet its domestic demand. Firstly, the country’s climate and soil conditions are not suitable for growing gandum in large quantities. Secondly, the demand for gandum has increased in recent years due to the growth of the population and the economy. Thirdly, the productivity of local gandum farmers is relatively low compared to other countries, which makes it difficult for them to compete with foreign gandum producers.

Impact of Gandum Import on Indonesia’s Economy

The import of gandum has both positive and negative impacts on Indonesia’s economy. On the positive side, it helps to stabilize the price of gandum in the domestic market, which benefits consumers and food producers. It also promotes trade and economic ties with other countries that export gandum to Indonesia.

On the negative side, the import of gandum has a negative impact on Indonesia’s balance of payments. Gandum is a major import item, and its value is quite high. This means that Indonesia has to spend a significant amount of foreign currency to pay for gandum imports. This puts pressure on Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves and could lead to a trade deficit.

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Impact of Gandum Import on Indonesia’s Food Industry

The import of gandum also has a significant impact on Indonesia’s food industry. As gandum is used to make several food items, including bread, noodles, and biscuits, the import of gandum affects the price and availability of these food products in the domestic market.

On the positive side, the import of gandum helps to ensure a steady supply of raw material for food producers, which allows them to maintain production and meet consumer demand. It also promotes competition among food producers and encourages innovation in the food industry.

On the negative side, the import of gandum could have a negative impact on local gandum farmers and the local food industry. Imported gandum is often cheaper than locally produced gandum, which makes it difficult for local farmers to compete. This could lead to a decline in local gandum production and a loss of jobs in the local food industry.

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Gandum is an essential item in Indonesia’s food industry, and the country has to rely on imports to meet its domestic demand. The data impor gandum 2017 shows that Indonesia imported a significant amount of gandum in that year, with Australia, Canada, and the United States being the largest exporters. The import of gandum has both positive and negative impacts on Indonesia’s economy and food industry. While it helps to ensure a steady supply of raw material for food producers and promotes trade and economic ties with other countries, it could put pressure on Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves and negatively impact local gandum farmers and the local food industry.
