Data Impor Gandum Indonesia 2015

Indonesia is a country that heavily relies on the import of wheat to meet its wheat consumption needs. In 2015, the data on wheat imports in Indonesia showed an increase compared to the previous years. This article will discuss the data on wheat imports in Indonesia in 2015 and its impact on the country.


Indonesia’s wheat consumption has been increasing over the years due to the rise in the population and changes in the dietary habits of the citizens. However, the country does not produce enough wheat to meet its demand, which forces the government to import wheat from other countries.

The import of wheat in Indonesia is controlled by the Ministry of Trade through the issuance of import permits. The ministry sets the quota for wheat imports every year, and the permits are given to the importers who meet the requirements set by the government.

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Data on Wheat Imports in Indonesia in 2015

The data on wheat imports in Indonesia in 2015 showed an increase compared to the previous years. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia imported 9.2 million tons of wheat in 2015, which was a 5.5% increase from the previous year.

The majority of the wheat imports came from Australia, which accounted for 74.34% of the total wheat imports. The other countries that contributed to the wheat imports were Canada, the United States, and Ukraine.

The data also showed that the value of wheat imports in Indonesia in 2015 was USD 2.77 billion, which was a 12.5% decrease from the previous year. The decrease in the value of imports was due to the drop in the global wheat prices.

Impact of Data on Wheat Imports in Indonesia in 2015

The increase in wheat imports in Indonesia in 2015 had a significant impact on the country’s economy and the people. The import of wheat contributed to the increase in the country’s trade deficit, which was a concern for the government.

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The rise in wheat imports also affected the price of wheat flour, which is a staple food for the citizens. The increase in the price of wheat flour resulted in the rise in the price of other basic food items that contain wheat flour.

The increase in wheat imports also highlighted the need for the country to increase its domestic wheat production. The government has been taking measures to increase wheat production in the country, such as providing incentives to farmers and promoting the use of new technologies in wheat farming.


The data on wheat imports in Indonesia in 2015 showed an increase compared to the previous years. The increase in wheat imports had a significant impact on the country’s economy and the people. The rise in wheat imports highlighted the need for the country to increase its domestic wheat production to reduce its reliance on imports.
