Jumlah Impor Beras Indonesia 2015

Indonesia is known as one of the largest rice producers in the world. However, despite the abundance of rice production, Indonesia still imports rice to meet the high demand from the population. In 2015, the import of rice in Indonesia reached a significant amount. This article will discuss the jumlah impor beras Indonesia 2015 and provide valuable insights about the import of rice in the country.

Overview of Rice Production in Indonesia

Indonesia is an agricultural country with a large area of rice fields across the archipelago. Rice is the staple food of the Indonesian people, and it serves as the main source of carbohydrates. The Ministry of Agriculture has set a target for rice production of 75 million tons by 2020. However, despite the large area of rice fields and the government’s effort to increase rice production, Indonesia still needs to import rice to meet the high demand.

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Reasons for Rice Import in Indonesia

There are several reasons why Indonesia still needs to import rice despite being one of the largest rice producers. One of the reasons is the high demand for rice from the population. Indonesia has a population of more than 260 million people, and the per capita consumption of rice is around 140 kg per year. This high demand for rice cannot be fulfilled by domestic production alone.

Another reason for rice import in Indonesia is the limited availability of land for rice cultivation due to urbanization and industrialization. The conversion of rice fields into commercial and residential areas has reduced the area of rice fields in Indonesia. This reduced area of rice fields has led to a decrease in domestic rice production, forcing the government to import rice to meet the demand.

Jumlah Impor Beras Indonesia 2015

In 2015, Indonesia imported around 1.9 million tons of rice, which was a significant amount. The import of rice in 2015 was higher compared to the previous year, which was around 1.3 million tons. The increase in rice import in 2015 was due to several factors, including the El Nino phenomenon, which led to a decrease in domestic rice production.

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The majority of the imported rice came from Thailand, which contributed around 1.1 million tons of rice. Vietnam and India also contributed to the imported rice in Indonesia, with 435,000 tons and 284,000 tons, respectively. The imported rice was mostly in the form of white rice, which is the most commonly consumed rice in Indonesia.

Impact of Rice Import on Indonesian Economy

Rice import has a significant impact on the Indonesian economy. Indonesia’s trade balance has been affected by the import of rice, which has led to a trade deficit. The import of rice has also affected the price of rice in the domestic market. The imported rice is sold at a lower price compared to the domestic rice, which has led to a decrease in the price of domestic rice.

Moreover, the import of rice has led to a decrease in the income of rice farmers. The farmers are unable to compete with the imported rice, which is sold at a lower price. This has led to a decrease in the income of rice farmers, who are the backbone of rice production in Indonesia.

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Efforts to Reduce Rice Import in Indonesia

The government of Indonesia has taken several measures to reduce rice import in the country. The government has launched the Food Estate program, which aims to increase rice production in the country. The Food Estate program focuses on developing large areas of rice fields in eastern Indonesia, which have the potential for rice cultivation.

The government is also encouraging the use of hybrid rice seeds, which have a higher yield compared to traditional rice seeds. The use of hybrid rice seeds can increase rice production and reduce the need for rice import in the country.


In conclusion, the jumlah impor beras Indonesia 2015 was a significant amount due to several factors, including the high demand for rice and the limited availability of land for rice cultivation. The import of rice has a significant impact on the Indonesian economy, and the government has taken several measures to reduce rice import in the country. The efforts to increase rice production and reduce rice import in Indonesia are crucial for the sustainability of rice production and the livelihood of rice farmers in the country.
