Impor E Faktur: A Guide to Understanding the Regulations

Indonesia’s impor e faktur system was introduced in 2016. It is an electronic invoicing system that aims to simplify the tax reporting process for imports. The system is mandatory for all importers, and non-compliance can result in penalties and fines. In this article, we will discuss the impor e faktur system and its regulations in detail.

What is Impor E Faktur?

Impor e faktur is an electronic invoicing system for imports in Indonesia. It is part of the country’s tax reform efforts to increase tax compliance and reduce fraud. The system requires importers to submit electronic invoices (e-faktur) for all imported goods. These e-fakturs contain information such as the invoice number, date, seller’s name, buyer’s name, and the amount of tax due.

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Why was Impor E Faktur Introduced?

The Indonesian government introduced impor e faktur to simplify the tax reporting process for imports and to increase tax compliance. Before the impor e faktur system, importers had to manually calculate and report their tax liability, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. The impor e faktur system automates the tax reporting process and ensures accurate tax calculations.

What are the Regulations for Impor E Faktur?

Impor e faktur regulations require every importer to have an electronic tax identification number (e-TIN) and an impor e faktur account. The e-TIN is issued by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and is used to identify taxpayers for tax purposes. The impor e faktur account is used to submit e-fakturs and other tax-related documents.

Importers must obtain the e-TIN and impor e faktur account before importing goods into Indonesia. Failure to do so can result in penalties and even goods seizure. Once the importer has an impor e faktur account, they must submit an e-faktur for every imported item before the goods arrive in Indonesia.

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What Information does the E-Faktur Contain?

The e-faktur contains the following information:

  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Seller’s name and address
  • Buyer’s name and address
  • Description of the goods
  • Quantity and price of the goods
  • Amount of tax due

How to Submit E-Fakturs?

Importers can submit their e-fakturs manually or through an e-faktur upload service. The manual submission requires the importer to fill out an e-faktur form and submit it to the DGT. The upload service, on the other hand, allows importers to upload their e-fakturs to the DGT’s portal directly.

To avoid errors and delays, it is recommended that importers use the e-faktur upload service. The upload service is available 24/7, and importers can upload their e-fakturs from anywhere with an internet connection.

What are the Penalties for Non-Compliance?

Non-compliance with impor e faktur regulations can result in penalties and fines. The penalties can be as high as 2% of the value of the imported goods, and the fines can be up to IDR 50 million. Additionally, non-compliance can result in goods seizure and suspension of import licenses.

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The impor e faktur system is a mandatory electronic invoicing system for imports in Indonesia. It simplifies the tax reporting process for importers and increases tax compliance. Importers must obtain an e-TIN and an impor e faktur account before importing goods into Indonesia. Failure to comply with impor e faktur regulations can result in penalties and fines.

By understanding impor e faktur regulations and complying with them, importers can avoid penalties and ensure a smooth and efficient import process.
