Data Impor Kedelai Indonesia 2017

Indonesia is one of the largest importers of soybeans in the world. In 2017, the country imported a total of 3.8 million tons of soybeans, with the majority of it coming from the United States, Brazil, and Argentina. The import of soybeans plays a crucial role in meeting the domestic demand for soy-based products in Indonesia. This article will provide an overview of the data impor kedelai Indonesia 2017.

Overview of Soybeans in Indonesia

Soybeans have become a staple in Indonesian cuisine and are widely used in various food products. The consumption of soy-based products has also been on the rise due to its perceived health benefits. However, the domestic production of soybeans in Indonesia is still limited and is unable to meet the demand for soybeans. This has led to Indonesia becoming one of the largest importers of soybeans in the world.

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In 2017, Indonesia imported a total of 3.8 million tons of soybeans. This is a significant increase from the previous year, where the country imported 3.2 million tons of soybeans. The majority of the soybeans were imported from the United States, with a total of 2.1 million tons. Brazil and Argentina followed with 1.2 million tons and 0.5 million tons, respectively.

Reasons for Importing Soybeans

There are several reasons why Indonesia relies heavily on soybean imports. One of the main reasons is the limited domestic production of soybeans. The climate and soil conditions in Indonesia are not ideal for soybean cultivation, which makes it difficult for farmers to produce a high yield of soybeans. Additionally, the government has not provided enough support for soybean farmers, which has further limited the production of soybeans in the country.

Another reason for importing soybeans is the growing demand for soy-based products. Soybeans are used in a wide range of products, from food and beverages to feed for livestock. As the demand for these products grows, so does the demand for soybeans. Importing soybeans allows Indonesian companies to meet the domestic demand for soy-based products.

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Impact of Soybean Imports on the Indonesian Economy

The import of soybeans has both positive and negative impacts on the Indonesian economy. On one hand, it allows Indonesian companies to meet the growing demand for soy-based products, which supports the growth of the food and beverage industry. This, in turn, creates jobs and contributes to the country’s GDP.

On the other hand, the import of soybeans puts a strain on Indonesia’s trade balance. The country has a trade deficit in soybeans, which means that it is spending more money on imports than it is earning from exports. This can lead to a decrease in foreign exchange reserves and can make Indonesia more vulnerable to economic shocks.

Future of Soybean Imports in Indonesia

The future of soybean imports in Indonesia is uncertain. While the demand for soy-based products is expected to continue to grow, the government has recently implemented policies aimed at increasing domestic production of soybeans. These policies include providing subsidies for soybean farmers and improving the infrastructure for soybean cultivation.

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If successful, these policies could lead to an increase in domestic production of soybeans, which would reduce the country’s reliance on imports. However, it is unlikely that Indonesia will be able to completely eliminate soybean imports in the near future. The country will still need to import soybeans to meet the growing demand for soy-based products.


The import of soybeans plays a crucial role in meeting the domestic demand for soy-based products in Indonesia. In 2017, the country imported a total of 3.8 million tons of soybeans, with the majority of it coming from the United States, Brazil, and Argentina. While the import of soybeans has both positive and negative impacts on the Indonesian economy, it is unlikely that Indonesia will be able to completely eliminate soybean imports in the near future.
