H&M Sisa Ekspor: A Closer Look on This Retail Giant’s Sustainability Efforts

H&M has been one of the leading fast-fashion retailers in the world. With over 4,900 stores in 74 countries, it is known for its trendy and affordable clothing lines that cater to the mass market. However, as the demand for fast fashion grows, so does the environmental impact of the industry. H&M, as one of the biggest players in the game, has taken steps to address this issue by implementing a sustainability program called “H&M Sisa Ekspor”.

What is H&M Sisa Ekspor?

H&M Sisa Ekspor is a program set up by H&M to reduce waste and promote sustainability in its production process. The name “Sisa Ekspor” means “Export Leftovers” in Indonesian, and it involves sending unsold, over-produced, or defective H&M products to other markets instead of throwing them away.

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Through H&M Sisa Ekspor, the company aims to reduce its environmental footprint by decreasing the amount of waste it generates. By reusing or donating unsold products, H&M ensures that its excess inventory does not end up in landfills, where it can contribute to pollution and environmental damage.

The Benefits of H&M Sisa Ekspor

The implementation of H&M Sisa Ekspor has several benefits for both the environment and the company itself. First and foremost, it helps to reduce waste and promote sustainability by diverting products from landfills. This contributes to the conservation of natural resources and reduces the carbon footprint of the fashion industry.

Moreover, H&M Sisa Ekspor allows the company to benefit from the donated or reused products. In some cases, these products can be sold in different markets, generating revenue and contributing to the company’s bottom line.

The Challenges of H&M Sisa Ekspor

While H&M Sisa Ekspor has proven to be a successful program, it also faces several challenges. One of the biggest issues is the logistics of transporting products from one market to another. The process can be costly and time-consuming, especially when dealing with large volumes of goods.

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Additionally, there is a concern that donating or reselling products in other markets may harm the local textile industry. By flooding the market with cheap, imported goods, H&M could potentially undermine local textile producers and disrupt the local economy.

H&M Sisa Ekspor in Action

H&M Sisa Ekspor has been implemented in several countries worldwide, including Indonesia, where it all started. In 2017, H&M Indonesia launched the program in collaboration with local NGOs and government agencies. The program has since expanded to other markets, including India, Thailand, and Bangladesh.

In Indonesia, H&M Sisa Ekspor has donated over 100,000 items of clothing to local communities since its launch. The program works with local NGOs to identify communities in need and distribute the donated products to them. In addition to clothing, H&M also donates textiles and sewing machines to support local textile producers and boost the local economy.

The Future of H&M Sisa Ekspor

H&M Sisa Ekspor is just one of the many sustainability initiatives undertaken by H&M. The company has set ambitious targets to become 100% circular and climate-positive by 2030, which involves adopting more sustainable production and consumption practices.

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As the fashion industry continues to grow, there is a need for more sustainable practices to mitigate its environmental impact. H&M, through its Sisa Ekspor program and other sustainability efforts, is taking steps to address this issue and promote a more sustainable future.


H&M Sisa Ekspor is a program that demonstrates the company’s commitment to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. By donating or reselling unsold products, H&M is not only reducing waste but also supporting local communities and textile producers. While the program faces challenges, it has proven to be a successful initiative that contributes to a more sustainable fashion industry.
