Data Ekspor Kambing Indonesia

Indonesia is a country that is known for its abundant natural resources, including livestock such as goats. The demand for goat meat both locally and internationally has led to an increase in goat farming in Indonesia. The export of goat meat from Indonesia has grown significantly over the years, making it a valuable commodity for the country’s economy. In this article, we will explore the data on the export of goats from Indonesia and the factors that have contributed to its growth.

Overview of Data Ekspor Kambing Indonesia

The data on the export of goats from Indonesia shows a significant increase in the past decade. In 2010, Indonesia exported 7,862 metric tons of goat meat, valued at USD 14,269,000. By 2019, the export of goat meat had reached 25,508 metric tons, with a value of USD 72,120,000. This represents a growth rate of 224% in volume and 406% in value over the period.

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The top importers of goat meat from Indonesia are Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong, with Singapore being the largest importer. Other countries that import goat meat from Indonesia include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.

Factors Contributing to the Growth of Export of Goats from Indonesia

The increase in the export of goats from Indonesia can be attributed to several factors:

1. Rising Demand for Goat Meat

The demand for goat meat has been increasing globally, driven by several factors. One of the primary drivers is the increased awareness of the health benefits of consuming goat meat, which is leaner and has lower levels of cholesterol compared to other meats. The demand for goat meat is also increasing due to the growing Muslim population, who consider goat meat as a halal food.

The growing demand for goat meat has created opportunities for goat farmers in Indonesia to increase production and export their products.

2. Government Support

The Indonesian government has been supportive of the livestock industry, including goat farming. The government has implemented policies and programs aimed at improving the productivity and quality of goat farming. This includes providing subsidies and loans to farmers, as well as investing in research and development of the industry.

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The government has also facilitated the export of goat meat through the establishment of trade agreements with importing countries and the provision of necessary export certifications.

3. Improved Infrastructure and Technology

The development of infrastructure and technology has also contributed to the growth of the export of goats from Indonesia. This includes the improvement of transportation systems, such as roads and ports, which have made it easier for farmers to transport their products to markets and ports for export.

The use of modern technology, such as the adoption of breeding techniques and the use of better animal feed, has also improved the productivity and quality of goat farming in Indonesia. This has made it possible for farmers to produce more goats for export.

Challenges Facing the Goat Farming Industry in Indonesia

While the export of goats from Indonesia has been growing over the years, there are still challenges facing the industry. Some of these challenges include:

1. Disease Outbreaks

Disease outbreaks, such as the Foot and Mouth Disease, can have a significant impact on the goat farming industry by reducing productivity and causing loss of revenue. The Indonesian government has implemented measures to prevent and control the spread of diseases, but more needs to be done to ensure the sustainability of the industry.

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2. Lack of Technology and Infrastructure in Rural Areas

The lack of access to technology and infrastructure in rural areas can limit the productivity and growth of the goat farming industry. This includes the lack of access to veterinary services, animal feed, and proper breeding techniques. The government needs to invest in improving the infrastructure and technology in rural areas to support the growth of the industry.

3. Competition from Other Countries

Indonesia faces competition from other countries that also export goat meat, such as Australia and New Zealand. These countries have established export markets and have a reputation for producing high-quality meat. Indonesian farmers and exporters need to focus on improving the quality and competitiveness of their products to remain competitive in the global market.


The data on the export of goats from Indonesia shows that the industry has grown significantly over the years. The increase in demand for goat meat, government support, and the development of infrastructure and technology have contributed to this growth.

However, there are still challenges facing the industry, including disease outbreaks, lack of technology and infrastructure in rural areas, and competition from other countries. The government and stakeholders in the industry need to work together to address these challenges and ensure the sustainability of the industry.
