BPKM Prov Ntt: A Comprehensive Guide

BPKM Prov Ntt is an organization that plays a crucial role in the development of the economy of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). BPKM stands for Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah, which translates to Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about BPKM Prov Ntt, including its functions, services, and how it contributes to the development of NTT’s economy.

What is BPKM Prov Ntt?

BPKM Prov Ntt is a regional government agency that is responsible for managing and controlling the finances and assets of NTT. It was established under Law No. 32 of 2004 and is accountable to the Governor of NTT. Its main role is to ensure the efficient and effective use of public funds and to provide support to local governments and communities in managing their finances and assets.

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Functions of BPKM Prov Ntt

The functions of BPKM Prov Ntt are diverse and encompass a wide range of activities related to financial management, asset management, and local government support. Some of its key functions include:

  • Developing and implementing financial management policies and procedures
  • Providing support to local governments in preparing and implementing budgets
  • Conducting audits and evaluations of local government financial management practices
  • Managing and controlling regional assets, including land and buildings
  • Providing training and capacity building to local government officials and staff

Services Provided by BPKM Prov Ntt

BPKM Prov Ntt provides a range of services to local governments, communities, and other stakeholders in NTT. Some of its key services include:

  • Financial management advice and support
  • Asset management and control
  • Accounting and bookkeeping services
  • Audit and evaluation services
  • Training and capacity building programs

Contribution of BPKM Prov Ntt to the Economy of NTT

BPKM Prov Ntt plays a critical role in the development of the economy of NTT. By ensuring the efficient and effective use of public funds, it helps to promote economic growth and development in the region. Its support to local governments in preparing and implementing budgets helps to ensure that public funds are allocated to projects that have the greatest impact on the lives of the people of NTT.

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BPKM Prov Ntt’s management and control of regional assets also contributes to the development of the economy of NTT. By ensuring that these assets are properly managed and maintained, it helps to promote investment and economic development in the region.


In summary, BPKM Prov Ntt is a vital organization that plays a crucial role in the development of the economy of NTT. Its functions, services, and contributions to the region are diverse and far-reaching. By ensuring the efficient and effective use of public funds, managing and controlling regional assets, and providing support to local governments and communities, BPKM Prov Ntt helps to promote economic growth and development in NTT.
