Do I Need A Certificate Of No Impediment?

If you are planning to get married abroad, you may be wondering whether you need a certificate of no impediment. This document proves that you are free to get married and there are no legal obstacles in your way. In this article, we will explore what a certificate of no impediment is, when you need one, and how to get it.

What Is A Certificate Of No Impediment?

A certificate of no impediment, or CNI, is a document that confirms you are free to marry. It is issued by your country’s embassy or consulate in the country where you intend to get married. The document states that you are not currently married, and there are no legal obstacles preventing you from getting married.

It is important to note that a CNI does not guarantee you will be able to get married. It simply confirms that you are legally able to do so. You will still need to comply with the marriage laws and regulations of the country where you intend to get married.

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When Do You Need A Certificate Of No Impediment?

Whether you need a CNI depends on the country where you intend to get married. Some countries require a CNI from foreign citizens, while others do not. It is important to check the marriage laws and regulations of the country where you plan to get married to determine whether you need a CNI or not.

Even if the country where you plan to get married does not require a CNI, it is still a good idea to get one. It can help to speed up the marriage registration process and avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

How Do You Get A Certificate Of No Impediment?

The process of getting a CNI can vary depending on the country where you are getting married and the embassy or consulate that issues the document. However, in general, you will need to take the following steps:

  • Contact your country’s embassy or consulate in the country where you plan to get married and ask about their requirements for issuing a CNI.
  • Complete the necessary paperwork and provide any supporting documents that are required.
  • Pay any fees that are associated with the CNI application process.
  • Wait for the embassy or consulate to issue the CNI.
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It is important to note that the process of getting a CNI can take several weeks or even months. It is recommended that you start the process as early as possible to avoid any delays.


In conclusion, a certificate of no impediment is a document that confirms you are free to marry. Whether you need one or not depends on the country where you plan to get married. If you do need one, the process of obtaining a CNI can be time-consuming, so it is important to start early. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that you have all the necessary documentation to get married abroad.

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