Minimum Bank Balance Required For Schengen Visa – India

Traveling to Europe is a dream for many, but obtaining a Schengen visa can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to the minimum bank balance required for the visa. In this article, we will discuss the minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa for Indian citizens.

What is a Schengen Visa?

A Schengen visa is a visa issued by the countries that are part of the Schengen area, allowing the holder to travel freely within the area without any border controls. The Schengen area includes 26 countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and many others.

Why is a Minimum Bank Balance Required?

When you apply for a Schengen visa, the embassy or consulate needs to ensure that you have enough funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Europe. The minimum bank balance required is one of the ways to prove that you have enough financial resources to support your trip.

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How Much Minimum Bank Balance is Required for a Schengen Visa?

The minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa varies based on the duration and purpose of your trip. Generally, you need to show that you have enough funds to cover your expenses for the entire duration of your stay in the Schengen area.

As per the Schengen visa requirements, the minimum amount of funds required is €65 per day. For example, if you are planning to stay in the Schengen area for 10 days, you need to have a minimum of €650 in your bank account.

How to Calculate the Minimum Bank Balance Required?

To calculate the minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa, you need to consider the following expenses:

  • Accommodation expenses
  • Transportation expenses
  • Food and drink expenses
  • Other expenses (such as travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)

You should calculate the total expenses for your stay in the Schengen area and multiply it by the number of days you plan to stay. The result will be the minimum bank balance required for your Schengen visa application.

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How to Prove the Minimum Bank Balance?

When you apply for a Schengen visa, you need to provide proof of your financial resources. This can be done by providing bank statements, salary slips, tax returns, and other relevant documents.

Most importantly, your bank statement should reflect the required minimum balance for the entire duration of your stay in the Schengen area. It should also be recent, preferably not older than three months.

What If I Don’t Have Enough Funds?

If you don’t have enough funds to cover your expenses in the Schengen area, your visa application may be rejected. However, there are other options to show proof of financial resources, such as:

  • Traveler’s cheques
  • Credit cards
  • Sponsorship letter

It is important to note that these options may not be as strong as providing bank statements, and the embassy or consulate may require additional documents to verify your financial resources.


If you are planning to travel to the Schengen area, it is important to know the minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa. By providing sufficient evidence of your financial resources, you can increase your chances of obtaining a Schengen visa.

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Remember, the minimum bank balance required varies based on the duration and purpose of your trip, so make sure to calculate the minimum balance required based on your specific circumstances.

With the right preparation and documentation, you can make your Schengen visa application process smooth and successful.
