Do UAE Residents Need Visa to Saudi Arabia

For UAE residents who plan to visit Saudi Arabia, one of the most common questions is whether they need a visa or not. Saudi Arabia is a neighboring country to the UAE and there are several reasons why UAE residents travel to Saudi Arabia, such as for business, religious purposes, or leisure.

General Visa Requirements for Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has strict visa regulations in place for visitors, including UAE residents. Visitors must apply for a visa before traveling to the country, and there are several types of visas available depending on the purpose of the visit. Some of the general requirements for obtaining a Saudi Arabia visa include:

  • A valid passport with at least six months validity
  • Completed visa application form
  • Proof of accommodation in Saudi Arabia
  • Travel itinerary
  • Medical insurance coverage
  • Proof of financial means
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Depending on the type of visa being applied for, additional documents and requirements may be needed. It is recommended to consult with the Saudi Arabia embassy or consulate in the UAE for more information on visa requirements.

Types of Visas Available for Saudi Arabia

There are several types of visas available for those traveling to Saudi Arabia. The most common types of visas include:

  • Business Visa
  • Work Visa
  • Family Visit Visa
  • Umrah Visa (Religious Visit)
  • Tourist Visa (Currently Unavailable due to COVID-19)

Each type of visa has its own set of requirements and application process. It is important to ensure that the correct type of visa is applied for based on the purpose of the visit.

Visa for Umrah and Hajj

Visitors to Saudi Arabia for the purpose of Umrah or Hajj have specific visa requirements. These visas are only issued by the Saudi Arabian embassy or consulate and can only be obtained through authorized Umrah or Hajj travel agents.

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For UAE residents planning to travel to Saudi Arabia for Umrah or Hajj, it is recommended to consult with an authorized travel agent for assistance with obtaining the appropriate visa.


For UAE residents planning to travel to Saudi Arabia, obtaining a visa is necessary. There are several types of visas available depending on the purpose of the visit, and each type has its own set of requirements and application process. It is important to plan ahead and ensure that all necessary documents and requirements are met to avoid any delays or issues with obtaining a visa.
