Dubai New Visa Rules


Dubai is well-known as a tourist destination and a business hub, attracting millions of visitors from all over the world every year. In line with this, the government of Dubai has announced new visa rules that will make it easier for tourists and business people to stay in the country for longer periods of time. In this article, we will discuss the new visa rules in Dubai.

New Visa Types

Under the new visa rules, Dubai will introduce two new types of visas – the multi-entry tourist visa and the five-year retirement visa. The multi-entry tourist visa will allow visitors to stay in Dubai for up to 90 days and can be renewed for a further 90 days. The five-year retirement visa, on the other hand, is aimed at retirees who want to spend their golden years in Dubai. The visa will be renewable, and holders will be allowed to work part-time or start their own businesses.

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Changes to Existing Visas

In addition to the new visa types, there have also been changes to the existing visa rules. The visit visa, which was previously valid for 30 days and could be extended for another 30 days, can now be extended twice, for a total of 90 days. The transit visa, which was valid for 96 hours, can now be extended for up to 14 days. The changes are aimed at making it easier for tourists and business people to stay in Dubai for longer periods of time.

Requirements for Obtaining a Visa

The requirements for obtaining a visa in Dubai have not changed significantly. Visitors will still need to provide a valid passport, passport-sized photographs, and proof of their financial ability to support themselves during their stay in Dubai. They may also need to provide a copy of their return ticket and proof of their accommodation in Dubai. However, the government has indicated that it will be reviewing the visa application process to make it more streamlined and efficient.

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Impact on Tourism and Business

The new visa rules are expected to have a significant impact on tourism and business in Dubai. The multi-entry tourist visa is expected to attract more visitors to the city, who will stay longer and spend more money. The five-year retirement visa is expected to attract more retirees to the city, who will contribute to the economy by starting businesses and investing in property. The changes to the existing visa rules are also expected to make it easier for business people to conduct business in Dubai.


The new visa rules in Dubai are an important development for the city, which is looking to attract more visitors and investors. The introduction of new visa types, changes to existing visa rules, and review of the visa application process are all aimed at making it easier for people to stay in Dubai for longer periods of time. The impact of the new visa rules on tourism and business is expected to be significant, and the government of Dubai is optimistic about the future of the city as a global hub for tourism and business.

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