Apostille Harga

Apostille Harga. Are you planning to work, study, or do business abroad? If so, you will need to have certain documents authenticated to be recognized in your destination country. One way to do this is through apostille. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about apostille harga or the cost of apostille services in Indonesia. PT. Jangkar Global Groups

  Loket Pusat Apostille

What is Apostille?

Apostille Harga. Apostille is a process of authentication of documents that are to be used in foreign countries. It is an internationally recognized certification that verifies the authenticity of a document and validates its legal status. The process of apostille is governed by the Hague Convention of 1961, which is an international treaty that simplifies the process of document authentication for use abroad.

What Documents Can Be Apostilled?

Any public document can be apostilled, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, transcripts, and other legal documents. However, private documents like corporate contracts or bank statements cannot be apostilled, and they need to be notarized instead.


What is the Process of Apostille?

The process of apostille involves several steps, such as document preparation, verification, and authentication. The first step is to prepare the document to be apostilled, which includes getting it notarized or certified by a government agency. The second step is to verify the authenticity of the document by checking it against government records. The final step is to place the apostille on the document, which is done by a designated authority.

  Apostille Grenoble

Apostille Indonesia

What is the Cost of Apostille Services in Indonesia?

The cost of apostille services in Indonesia varies depending on the type of document, the number of documents, and the urgency of the request. The cost of apostille can range from IDR 250,000 to IDR 1,000,000 per document. The fee for expedited services is usually higher than regular services.


Where Can You Get Apostille Services in Indonesia?

You can get apostille services in Indonesia from several government agencies, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. You can also get apostille services from private companies that offer document legalization services.


How Long Does Apostille Process Take?

The time it takes to get an apostille varies depending on the type of document, the number of documents, and the urgency of the request. Regular services usually take around three to five working days, while expedited services can take as little as one day.

  Minnesota Apostille


What Are the Benefits of Apostille?

The benefits of apostille are numerous, including:

  • Recognition of documents in foreign countries
  • Facilitation of international trade and commerce
  • Elimination of the need for further certification
  • Assurance of document authenticity


Apostille is a crucial process for anyone planning to work, study, or do business abroad. It simplifies the process of document authentication and facilitates international trade and commerce. The cost of apostille services in Indonesia varies depending on the type of document and the urgency of the request. You can get apostille services from several government agencies and private companies that offer document legalization services. So, make sure to get your documents apostilled before you embark on your international journey.



Apostille K Bis

Perusahaan di dirikan pada tanggal 22 mei 2008 dengan komitmen yang kuat dari karyawan dan kreativitas untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik, tercepat dan terpercaya kepada pelanggan.


Apostille K Bis

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