Führungszeugnis Apostille: What it is and why you need it

If you’re planning to move to another country, study abroad, or work overseas, you may need to obtain a Führungszeugnis Apostille. This document is a type of certification that verifies the authenticity of your criminal record check or police clearance certificate. In this article, we’ll discuss what a Führungszeugnis Apostille is, why you need it, and how to obtain one. PT. Jangkar Global Groups 

What is a Führungszeugnis?

A Führungszeugnis is a certificate of good conduct or a criminal record check issued by the German Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz). It includes information about any criminal convictions or offenses you may have committed while living in Germany. You may need to provide this document if you’re applying for a job, a visa, or a residency permit in another country.

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What is an Apostille?

An Apostille is a form of authentication or certification that verifies the validity of a public document. It’s usually required when you need to use a document issued in one country in another country. The Apostille is attached to the original document and includes a stamp or a seal from the competent authority that issued it.

What is a Führungszeugnis Apostille?

A Führungszeugnis Apostille is a type of Apostille that’s attached to a Führungszeugnis. It certifies that the Führungszeugnis is authentic and was issued by the German Federal Office of Justice. The Apostille includes a stamp or a seal from the competent authority that issued it, which may vary depending on the country where you need to use the document.

Apostille Führungszeugnis

Why do you need a Apostille?

You may need a Apostille if you’re planning to move to another country, study abroad, or work overseas. It’s required by many countries as part of the visa or residency permit application process. The Apostille certifies that your criminal record check or police clearance certificate is authentic and was issued by the German Federal Office of Justice.

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How to obtain a Apostille?

To obtain a Apostille, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Request a Führungszeugnis from the German Federal Office of Justice.
  2. Make sure the Führungszeugnis is notarized or certified by a German notary public.
  3. Contact the competent authority in the country where you need to use the document to find out the requirements for obtaining an Apostille.
  4. Submit the Führungszeugnis and any required documents to the competent authority to obtain the Apostille.


If you’re planning to move to another country, study abroad, or work overseas, a Führungszeugnis Apostille may be required as part of the application process. This certification verifies the authenticity of your criminal record check or police clearance certificate issued by the German Federal Office of Justice. To obtain a Führungszeugnis Apostille, you need to follow the steps outlined above and contact the competent authority in the country where you need to use the document.



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  Jasa Apostille Tarif Kompetitif

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