Family Visa UAE Requirements

Family Visa UAE Requirements

Are you planning to bring your family to UAE? You’ll need to obtain a family visa first. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on the requirements for a family visa in UAE.

Who is eligible for a family visa in UAE?

If you have a valid UAE residency visa and meet the income requirements set by the government, you can sponsor your spouse, children, parents, or siblings for a family visa in UAE. However, the eligibility criteria may vary depending on your nationality and the type of visa you hold. It’s best to check with the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) to confirm your eligibility.

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What are the documents required for a family visa in UAE?

The documents required for a family visa in UAE include:

  • A valid passport copy of the sponsor and the family member(s) to be sponsored
  • A copy of Emirates ID of the sponsor and the family member(s) to be sponsored
  • A copy of the sponsor’s residency visa
  • A salary certificate or a bank statement showing a monthly salary of AED 4,000 or more
  • A tenancy contract or a property ownership certificate
  • A marriage certificate, if sponsoring a spouse
  • A birth certificate, if sponsoring a child

It’s important to note that the documents may vary depending on the relationship between the sponsor and the family member(s) to be sponsored.

What is the fee for a family visa in UAE?

The fee for a family visa in UAE is AED 310, which includes the application fee and the entry permit fee. However, additional fees may apply if you need to obtain a medical certificate or an Emirates ID for your family member(s).

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What is the procedure for obtaining a family visa in UAE?

The procedure for obtaining a family visa in UAE is as follows:

  1. Submit the required documents to the GDRFA.
  2. Pay the visa fee.
  3. Wait for the visa to be processed, which may take up to two weeks.
  4. Once the visa is approved, your family member(s) can enter UAE on an entry permit.
  5. Within 60 days of their arrival, you’ll need to complete the residence visa procedures, including a medical checkup and Emirates ID application.

It’s important to note that the sponsor will be responsible for the financial support and well-being of the family member(s) throughout their stay in UAE. Failure to comply with the visa regulations may result in fines or deportation.

With this guide, you now have a clear understanding of the requirements for a family visa in UAE. Make sure to prepare all the necessary documents and follow the procedures carefully to ensure a smooth application process.

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