My Fiance Visa Was Approved What Next

Congratulations! Your fiance visa has been approved! This is a major milestone on your journey to bring your fiance to the United States. Now that your visa has been approved, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for your fiance’s arrival. In this article, we will cover what to do after your fiance visa has been approved.

Step 1: Pay the Visa Fee

After your visa has been approved, you will need to pay the visa fee. The fee must be paid before your fiance can schedule an interview at the embassy. The current fee for a fiance visa is $265. You can pay the fee online or at a designated bank.

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Step 2: Schedule an Interview

Once you have paid the visa fee, you can schedule an interview for your fiance at the embassy. The embassy will provide you with instructions on how to schedule the interview. It is important to make the appointment as soon as possible, as the wait time for an interview can vary.

Step 3: Gather Required Documents

Before the interview, your fiance will need to gather all the required documents. These documents include a passport, birth certificate, police certificate, and medical examination. The embassy will provide a list of required documents, so make sure your fiance brings everything they need to the interview.

Step 4: Attend the Interview

On the day of the interview, your fiance will need to attend the appointment at the embassy. They will need to bring all the required documents and the appointment letter. The interview is an opportunity for the embassy to verify that your relationship is genuine and that you meet all the requirements for a fiance visa.

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Step 5: Wait for the Visa

After the interview, your fiance will need to wait for the visa to be issued. The wait time can vary, but it typically takes around 3-5 business days. Once the visa is issued, your fiance can travel to the United States.

Step 6: Plan for Your Fiance’s Arrival

Now that your fiance has a visa, it’s time to plan for their arrival. You will need to book a flight, arrange for transportation from the airport, and prepare a place for your fiance to stay. It’s also a good idea to plan some activities for your fiance’s first few days in the United States.


Getting your fiance visa approved is an exciting moment. However, there are still a few steps you need to take before your fiance can arrive in the United States. By following these steps, you can ensure that everything is in order and that your fiance’s arrival goes smoothly.

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